Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Realigning Realignment?

The NHLPA recently decided to vote against the divisional realignment the NHL had proposed. This was done to accommodate teams in terms of travel and better scheduling start times. Now I didn't think the realignment was perfect, I mean you had Tampa Bay and Florida in the same division as Toronto and Ottawa, close as they are geographically, and Winnipeg would certainly have welcomed some western Canadian rivals but overall I believe the league did as best it could. The real winners were the teams in the central, ie. Detroit, Dallas and Columbus, who will now see more of their games at a more reasonable time. Why teams in the Eastern time zone are in the West is beyond me anyway. This model is much better for markets where the need every opportunity to cater to a dwindling fan base. The players themselves ought to look at the big picture and see that there is not going to be a scenario where everyone is happy. Such is life. And yes the playoff scheme could potentially have teams with more points not making the playoffs because they are in a stronger division but those are the breaks unfortunately. Look at the 7-9 Seattle Seahawks 2011 NFC West 'champions'. The league needs to work with the players carefully on this as the looming threat of another strike hangs like a guillotine over the negotiations. Both sides need to look at the health of the league as a whole. It is only now starting to get back some of the moment before the strike and the game is in good shape with a ton of competition for the playoffs down the stretch drive. Most teams are making money and salaries have stayed at a reasonably high level. Why risk throwing all that away?

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