Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Agree to...Agree

The NHL has made it's latest proposal to Donald Fehr and the NHLPA. Optically it's a good proposal at a 50/50 split of the coveted HRR (Hockey Related Revenue) and is as most will agree a good PR move for the NHL. They condition of the offer is that it is accepted by next week in order to still be able to squeeze a full 82 game schedule in. The are also changes to free agency which would start at 28 instead of 27 and max contract length which would be 5 years. I think the players will certainly have an issue with that last one. The fact is this offer is much closer to getting them to where they need to be and the onus is now on the players to be reasonable and come back with a counter offer that fits this framework. Anyone would be naive to think they'd just rubber stamp the leagues offer, but it is a very significant starting point from which to work. Mark Spector suggests in his latest column Gary Bettman ought to be fired as commissioner of the league after roughly 20 years and three lockouts. And while I have been saying that for years, I'll give the league credit for at least getting the ball rolling here and trying to get the game back on the ice. They, meaning the owners, are starting to realize how much money they stand to lose and have want Bettman to start earning his ridiculous $8 million dollar a year salary and get the fans back in the stands. Hopefully in most markets that will be the case. But I fear there will be many fans who are sick and tired of being treated like hostages between bickering little children as they moan and cry over who has it worse. The fact is the people suffering in bars, restaurants, sporting goods stores and those who work for the team are the biggest losers along with the fans so this is a deal that needs to be worked out. The players and owners need to put ego's aside and think about what's best for the long term future of the game so that we don't have to go through this song and dance every 7 years. It's a great game, the best in the world, so let's see the best back where they belong.

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