Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stike Out ... Why the NHL lockout needs to end

The fans are getting apathetic. Something I thought I would never say as a Canadian talking about hockey, but sadly it's true. The NHLPA and the NHL need to get this sorted out in a hurry because they are alienating their fan base and it will come back to haunt them in the less traditional markets. The biggest issue, billionaires and millionaires arguing over the fans money. It's getting tough enough for the average fan to even afford to get tickets to a game, let alone hear about the rich people benefiting from those hard earned dollars fighting over them like spoiled children. I know, no players no game. And I agree that they deserve a good share of the revenue as a result because they are the product. They owners should honor the promises and contracts they signed and it seems hypocritical of the league to cry broke why signing players to 100 million dollar contracts. Still, the players have to wake up and realize that salaries and profits have been on the rise so why muck that up? Why go steal jobs from other players in other leagues when you could sort your own issues out and get the greatest league in the world back where it belongs, on the ice. Think about the thousands of people who are effected by this, at the rink, in the bars and in the stores. But mostly think about the little kid who just wants to watch his favorite player. Think he understands why you're all too selfish?

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